How to get Traffic + People Commenting to your Blog

graph-163509_640I am on the 3rd month of my PTS course and I am enjoying the progress I am making so far. Early on in the course after creating my blog my mentor John Thornhill advises his students, I think in week 3 or 4, to comment on other student blogs and other relatable blogs on the internet. He advises us so we can start to get traffic and hopefully subscribers to our blogs.

I have been doing this, I try to do it every day, but if not every day then definitely every other day. My target is to comment on 5 active blogs – I will explain “active” a little later on and why its important. And I have been very surprised with the results, I have been getting 9 – 12 daily visitors to my blog and that is what I want to share with you today.

There have been so many great blogs have seen out there its mind blowing, really great writers it puts my writing skills to shame.

Be Active

When I visit a blog I will see how active it is. When I say “active” I don’t mean does it have lots of comments etc. I mean when was it was last updated and if the blogger is updating it with content. I have been on many blogs and they have not been updated for several months, if this is the case then I  sometimes don’t leave a comment I will move on to the next one.

Why? Because, I believe, but I could be wrong as this is my opinion only (please feel free to correct me in the comments section below) That, that blogger has either given up, or that they have gone to another project that has taken them away from their blogging and they are spending all their time on that they are not sending traffic to their blog.

Don’t let this happen to you and don’t let your blog collect cob webs schedule your blog posts if you know you will not be able to post for a while then spend a little time writing a few blog posts and schedule them so people will think your still active.

“Reward” comments

You can “reward” the people who comment on you blog by downloading, installing and activating the plugin below:

This is a great plugin that I have recently installed and loving. Because since I have I have seen more comments on my blog.

The main feature of this plugin, as the name implies, is to show some love to the commenters on your blog. In other words, by having the plugin on your blog you are able to reward the commenters for stopping by, reading your posts and leaving a comment by allowing them to link back to their blog. (If you comment below you see it in action 🙂 )

I have started to comment more and more on other blogs who are using Commentluv plugin, yes I know this can look selfish, but I am able to expose my blog to a bigger, wider audience and that is what we all want for our sites.

Finding blogs that have commentluv enabled is really simple. I use and enter my keywords and use the drop down search box to select “Commentluv Preuim Blogs” or “keyword Commentluv”, click search and a ton of blogs come up.

Since this blog is about making money online and internet marketing I will search “internet marketing” “making money online”. All you have to do is change “my keywords” into the keywords relating to your blog niche.

Have a Signature

Being active on forums has brought some traffic in as most forums allow you to have a “signature” at the bottom of your comment. So when you have comment, an answer to someone’s question or a reply, your link to your site will be at the bottom of each on.

Social Media

Linking my blog posts to my Twitter, Facebook and Google + accounts has provided me with some exposure as some of my blog pots have been retweeted on Twitter and Shared on Facebook.

So these are some on the ways I am trying to get traffic to my blog, I know there are plenty of other ways and I will be writing about that soon, but as a fresh blog I am just surprised with amount of traffic.

Please let me know what tips and tricks you are using to get traffic and people to comment on your blogs 🙂

Until Next Time . . . . . .


  • David

    Reply Reply March 30, 2015

    A useful, informative post Tasleem.

    I’ve found the above methods work for me too. The only drawback is the amount of time they take, so it’s important to track where your traffic is coming from and concentrate on the blogs and forums that give the best response.
    David recently posted…Is Your Site About To Disappear From Google?My Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply April 4, 2015

      Thank you for your comment, yes it has been time consuming, so will be concentrating on where my traffic is coming from, thanks for that. 🙂

  • Thank you Tasleem for the info, it is appreciated! I do have a question, the link you provided for the commentluv, I presume it works on all sites? I ask, because I use Blogger, I know others use WordPress and sometimes the plugins may work for one and not the other.
    Thank you again!
    Maria-Victoria Orlando recently posted…What’s Your Letter? Personality Letter Tshirt That Is!My Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply April 4, 2015

      Thank you for your comment, I think its just a wordpress plugin, can just be used on word press blogs.

  • Joy Healey

    Reply Reply March 31, 2015

    Hi Tasleem,

    I use as many of the strategies above as I can find time for – because, as David says, this takes a lot of time.

    The other tip I would like to share is to use the free plugin “My Comment Authors” to thank your blog comment visitors at the end of each month – and encourage them to come back again to your blog for a round-up of the posts that month, in case they missed any.

    I’ve started using a service to monitor my backlinks received and it’s interesting to watch who gives “follow” and who give “no follow” links too.

    Joy Healey recently posted…Case Study In Finding Blog VisitorsMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply April 4, 2015

      Thank you for your tip, because, yes it has been time consuming as late. So again Thank you 🙂

  • Sandy

    Reply Reply March 31, 2015

    Hi Tasleem, first off would like to say you are writing well 🙂

    As for blog hopping and commenting, there are few things I learn and always mindful of.
    1) Give meaningful and valuable comments. Add value to the post, whenever possibble.

    2) When comes to blog hopping, there are times when people in the intended group don’t return favour despite visiting n leaving comments handful of times. That’s when you need to decide if you want to continue to do the one way traffic giving.

    3) Always reply to the comments your commenters made. It’s an interactive exchange platform and people value the acknowledgement.

    Signature- I hv yet to use one. Wonder if I should start employing one ;p

    Thank you for allowing me to share Tasleem.

    To your Success and Abundance, Sandy 🙂
    Sandy recently posted…Aranda Lee Kuan Yew and Vanda Kwa Geok ChooMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply April 4, 2015

      Thank you for your insight and sharing such valuable information. 🙂

  • Carol King

    Reply Reply April 13, 2015

    Hi Tasleen. I too use the tips you have mentioned. Also recently I have started taking part in groups like Sues Socialites on Facebook where bloggers can post a link to their blog and comment on the blogs of the other posters. Since ive been doing this on several groups on Facebook I have seen a significant increase. Not only to my blog but also to my Facebook pages.
    Carol King recently posted…Mind Your Back! Entrepreneur Coming ThroughMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply April 20, 2015

      Thank you for your comment. 🙂

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