Are You Making These 3 BIG Affiliate Marketing Mistakes?
If you’re still somewhat new to this whole affiliate marketing thing, then you know there is plenty of room to make mistakes. Every day and every promotion is a learning experience. But you can slash the learning curve by avoiding these three mistakes…
Mistake 1: Promoting Anything and Everything
Your subscribers and blog readers are looking for someone to lead them through the maze of new products that hit your niche every week. If you promote anything and everything as the best thing since sliced bread, you’re just going to hurt your reputation.
So what to do?
Throw away the “cut and paste” ads the vendors give you, and write your own ads and reviews instead. Be honest about the product. Tell your prospects the good, the bad and the ugly about every product. If you don’t recommend, tell them why. If you do recommend it, give them a good reason to buy through your link right now.
Which brings us to the next point…
Mistake 2: Not Offering a Bonus
A dozen affiliates are dropping their links in front of your prospect. Question is, why should they buy from YOU?
The answer: because you’re offering a kick-ass bonus when they buy through your affiliate link.
This is might be a report, a gear list, an app, access to a membership site or a even a seat at workshop. It should be highly relevant to whatever you’re promoting, desirable and valuable.
End result? You can make up to five times more sales and commissions by offering a bonus over just tossing a non-incentivized link in front of prospects.
But maybe you’ve noticed that getting up bonus offer pages is sort of a pain in the neck. That brings us to the last point…
Mistake 3: Trying to Do Everything Manually
Speed is key when it comes to affiliate marketing. By the time you hear about a product launch, there might only be a day or two left to scoop up the big commissions. You don’t have a moment to spare. You need to get your offers up fast… or kiss those commissions goodbye.
That’s why you shouldn’t try to do everything yourself manually. The super affiliates automate everything they can, and that I includes creating bonus pages and automating delivery.
So how do they do all of this?
Simple: they use an app called Commission Gorilla.
This app was designed by two super affiliates who wanted to create a fast and easy way to build their own bonus pages. They made it “drag and drop” easy to use. You don’t need design skills. You don’t need to touch any code. Just log into your dashboard and click your way to a beautiful, high-converting bonus page!
If you’re ready to take your affiliate business to the next level, then you’ll want to get your hands on this tool too. Get yours now CLICK HERE
To Your Success . . .
Roy Miller
November 16, 2015Tasleem, you are so right about just throwing up an affiliate link and hoping for a sale. All of the heavy hitters use multiple bonuses in their offers. I know myself, I always look for the best bonus offer when I am looking to purchase a product from a creator or an affiliate.
Roy Miller recently posted…Do You Need A Coach?
Yvonne A Jones
November 17, 2015The bonus can make a huge difference. At times, because I know, like and trust an affiliate, I’ll purchase something even though he or she does not offer a bonus. Other times, it’s the bonus that is the deciding factor.
I’ve purchased products in the past because the bonus was just what I needed at the time and that was the only way to get access to it.
Yvonne A Jones recently posted…How to Attract More Reader Interaction to Articles and Blog Posts
tasleem khan
November 19, 2015Hi Yvonne, Nice to know that bonuses have made the difference in the purchase 🙂
Duane Reeve
November 17, 2015Hi Tasleem
I think the biggest of all the mistakes listed here is No.1 – Trying to promote anything and everything without a proper system in place. Unfortunately, many newbie marketers are taught the wrong way to go about it 🙁
Commission Gorilla is a great tool to speed up the whole process and I would have purchased it had the launch not occurred at the wrong time for me. Simon & Jeremy’s products are top-notch.
Duane Reeve recently posted…You cannot make money Blogging! You need to sell…
tasleem khan
November 19, 2015Hi Duane, Yes Simon & Jeremy’s products are top-notch. And it’s a great tool to have under belt if you can 🙂
Mike Gardner is The Time Doctor
November 17, 2015I don’t really do affiliate marketing, but have started to think about it, and can see how the things mentioned above wouldn’t be beneficial
Mike Gardner is The Time Doctor recently posted…Time Management For Blogging
tasleem khan
November 19, 2015Hi Mike I think you should as it will be a great passive income for you, and if you need any help please let me know 🙂
Terry Jenkins
November 17, 2015This is a great post Tasleem.
Getting the best out of the tsunami of product releases can be a strain at the best of times. Anything to help automate your business is a plus. I personally purchased Commission Gorilla and will use it to offer bonuses with our health niche business Fit, Energised& Healthy.
Terry Jenkins recently posted…13 Ways to Naturally Reduce High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
tasleem khan
November 19, 2015Hi Terry, Great stuff I have also purchased it, my best purchase of the year 🙂
Steffi Black
November 23, 2015I know very little about affiliate marketing but like the way you keep the tips simple and clean and makes me think i should learn more about it. Thank you Tasleem.
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