Getting Back into Routine :(


Now that the Christmas and New Year Holidays are officially over, I have found it hard to back in to my usual routine of work, work and more work. 🙂 I’m sure that is where the problem is, lol, but alas even getting the most simplest of tasks done has been really hard work. Don’t get me wrong I love my job but getting back to the grind has been quite challenging for me. My body has been in the office but my mind has been partying with my friends.

Post-holiday blues, as it is called is a very real thing.

Getting back into the routine can seem like the toughest thing in the world to do, especially after a good vacation of rest and relaxation, but you’ve got to give yourself the best chance to get back into routine. Especially with your online business.

Here are a few tips I found useful to get back into the routine:

  1. Use your last day to tune out

No more parties, or margaritas or even shopping. Just relaxing and having some quite time alone really helps. Turning in early and getting an extra hour sleep, can help with having a fresh start the following day.

  1. Don’t Rush into Things

You open your inbox and you have over a hundred unread messages. Taking it slow the first day back will help you not wishing you were back on the beach. Prioritize your work, what has to be done asap, what can wait till the afternoon and what can what for the following day. If you had a project leftover from before your vacation, take care of finalizing that first. Then get to the new stuff. Delegate tasks if you can.

  1. Leave Something Small

Before you go off on your holiday leave yourself something small for you do for when you get back. Small tasks getting accomplished with just getting started can go a long way to get you into things.

  1. Keep your mood up

Listening to upbeat music and a workout can get your juices flowing, boost your adrenaline and help you rebound from the excessive food ate during the holidays.

  1. Tasks will take longer

Remember that tasks may take longer to complete than usual. Take this blog post for example I knew I would about post-holiday blues after the holidays, it was my “small” task I thought I could do on Monday, today is Wednesday and I am just posting it out today.

What helps you to get back into routine, I’ll love to hear about them in the comments below.

Until Next Time . . . .


  • Paul

    Reply Reply January 20, 2015

    Hi Tasleem,

    The funny thing here is I am sure we are all the same BUT the difference is taking the action that is needed to move on! Well I have just this morning took on some advice from

    I have got up an hour early, this morning at 6am (I will move this to 5am next week) to start the day with some work whilst the family are sleeping. I want to get into the habit of commenting on 3 blogs per day but always seem to lose that time, could this be a solution? Well it’s worked this morning.

    Tasleem, there is also a video on James blog from Robin Sharma which explains the 20-20-20 rule which is very interesting.

    Good luck on the way forward, can you believe we are nearly into February, wow; it’s funny how a couple of days over a holiday period can impact so much on our lives, time to take action!

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply January 20, 2015

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I will look at James’s Blog. Thank for that 🙂

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