Can you believe it, its June already and we are half way through the year?
I love June because I know summer is here and I love the sunshine, but as of late I do feel we are getting more winter weather than sunshine. 🙁
I also hate it because it makes me realize the passing of time and just like Christmas we tend to look back over the year and see what we have achieved, still doing and wanting to improve on in the New Year. June for me, makes me re-evaluate where the rest of the year is going, am I on target with the goals I started with the beginning of the year? Or have they been ditched in the 2nd or 3rd week of January.
June is another month other than December to reflect on what your aims and goals are and are you achieving them.
I am glad to say I am on target, with some of the plans and goals I made in the beginning of the year, and some (confession time) haven’t and have been forgotten about.
Here are the things that kept me on target and focused, so far.
Concentrating on 1 – 3 goals
In the past I have I have spread myself too thin, you might have done the same. If you have trouble on keeping your goals, just pick 1 – 3 goals that are important to you, and stick to it. Picking too many goals you end up spreading yourself too thin and achieving nothing.
Putting sticky notes on my desktop, serves as a constant reminder what I want to achieve, then I go about making weekly and daily tasks to achieve them. And this has helped me a lot to stay focused.
Like-minded People
Being surrounded by like-minded people who share similar goals helps a lot as well. They help you to remind you of your goals, motivate you when you are down, and keep you on track.
Learn to say No
Learning to say no, within and to the people around you. Saying no to your self-doubts, helps you not to give up on your goals. (If you are having trouble with your self-doubts then read this….) And learning to say no to the energy drainers in your life and the people who distract you from your goals, helps with staying on track.
Start to look at your aims and goals for this year and are you on track?
Until Next Time. . . .
June 9, 2015I think we’re all guilty of spreading ourselves too thin Tasleem, I find I do it myself as well.
Thanks for the timely reminder
Kim recently posted…Revenge of The Nerds…
tasleem khan
June 11, 2015So true, Thank you for your comment.
Joy Healey
June 13, 2015Hi Tasleem,
I’m most certainly not on track – but then I have been distracted by family needs, and it was more important to be there for those who needed me.
Because I have been so totally overwhelmed of late saying no and cutting down on my goals has been a priority. It actually feels like a release to ditch a few of the spinning plates.
So I’m planning for a better second half to the year than the first has been.
It’s an excellent idea to treat June like another December with chance to refocus.
Have a good weekend, Joy
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