What’s your focus?

customer-563967_640These past few weeks I have been enjoying my holidays, travelling around the South of the UK staying and visiting family and friends. I was staying with a friend, who 6 months ago, had a baby boy, it was really nice to them both. Whilst I was walking to Asda for some groceries my friend phoned me saying she needed baby food, Heinz brand, only get the Heinz brand of Apple and Baby Rice, she started demanding.

Now, for those who don’t know this, when babies enjoy a particular food of a particular brand, they will notice the difference if you give them the same food of another brand and they’ll spit it out. Hence the reason why my friend was demanding the Heinz brand.

So when I was in Asda in the Baby food section, I couldn’t find it!!! I looked on all the selves, just looking at the Heinz. I just couldn’t find the Heinz Apple and Baby rice pots. After spending about 10 minutes looking for it, I phoned my friend to say they don’t have any in stock. I even sent her a few photos of what was displayed on the selves. That is when she texted me back to say, LOL! It’s Cow and Gate brand not Heinz and it’s on the second self from the bottom to your right. It was only then, that I found it.

Now you’re probably thinking what does this personal anecdote has do with your business. Well, you see, what had happened got me thinking. I was only focused on the word “Heinz” and then checked to see the flavor, I completely ignored the other brands since I felt it wasn’t necessary. And that is what can happen in business, if you think and focus on one aspect of your business and think the other parts are not necessary then you might not get the outcome you desired.

If you are focused on one thing and one aspect of your business and put all your energy into that, that will be your outcome. So let’s say for example, if you’re focused on writing better emails or blog posts that will be your outcome. Or if your focused on helping other people, adding value to your business that will be the outcome of your business. Whatever you’re focused on, that is what you’ll see, that is what you’ll perceive and that is what will happen. Because that is what you’re focused on.

Until Next Time. . . .


  • Duane Reeve

    Reply Reply September 16, 2015

    Hi Tasleem

    With anything, one has to focus on the job at hand, but it is important to have a clear path (roadmap) to one’s Goal(s), with many focus areas to get you there. If your main Goal only involves one focus area, you are one of the lucky few.

    That being said; people are singularly focused when given precise instructions. I for example never buy anything that isn’t on my shopping list when I do our grocery shopping. It drive’s my Wife nuts, when I get home and there’s no chocolates or sweets etc (if it’s not on the list…)
    Duane Reeve recently posted…How to use your RSS Feed to Drive TrafficMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply September 17, 2015

      Thank you for your comment Duane. LOL I’m the same, if it wasn’t on the shopping list, it’s not coming home 🙂

  • Davina

    Reply Reply September 16, 2015

    Hi Tasleem,

    This was a very interesting anecdote and a great lesson as well. It’s more effective to put all of you’re energy into one main thing, than too split you’re energy into several things at once. Thanks for sharing.
    Davina recently posted…A Quick Guide to a Killer Elevator PitchMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply September 17, 2015

      Thank you Divina, yes people including myself in the past spread themselves too thinly and then end up crashing and burning, unfortunately.

  • Great analogy Tasleem
    Mike Gardner is The Time Doctor recently posted…Always Feeling Tired? – 6 Common CausesMy Profile

    • tasleem khan

      Reply Reply September 17, 2015

      Thanks Mike, Glad you liked it 🙂

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